Wednesday, October 24, 2012

You'll Be All Right, No One Can Hurt You Now

Bit of a lame title, but bear with me. I'm sleepy, freshly well from illness, and barely able to think all that well at the moment.

I had a really dandy weekend, but I've spent the past three days trying to recuperate from a fairly strong case of a cold. 
By fairly strong, I mean I was rather incapacitated on Monday and Tuesday, although by Tuesday I was feeling better, and I have only hit my "gotten better" milestone after classes today. Now my nose may be able to heal after so many tissues, and I've got to figure out how to un-chap my lips as best as possible. 

Sadly, for whatever reason, I cannot remember Thursday or Friday evenings all that well, so I'm assuming that nothing spectacular happened. 
Saturday, however, I did manage to get out and about, and of course, with getting out and about in this area, it involved spending a bit of money. But, if you've all noticed, we're almost up to 80 yen to the USD, so I'm really excited for that. If it can hit it again, I'll be quite a happy little girl, I think.

My friend that I've been hanging out with quite a bit was busy last weekend, and may be again this weekend, so I had to improvise from my becoming-routine schedule that I'd been developing, and on Saturday, I spent time with a new person and another friend of mine.
At separate times, however. I left the house at about 11:00 AM with my new friend, and we went to look at a second-hand store, and then to a book store. Afterwards, we ate lunch together. Because I need nothing at the second hand store, I only bought a couple new comic books, and we went to the sushi restaurant. 

She and I both are apparently men with our tastes in coffee, however.
That is the best canned coffee that I have had over here so far.
The rest is all too sweet and weak, but that one actually had a little kick to it, without cracking my teeth from sugar.

Afterwards, I met up with my other friend, and we laid around the house until the early evening, and then headed out to Machida. Did a spot of shopping--I bought myself a new pocket-watch, a poster with the iconic Chat Noir image on it, which I've always wanted, and a couple of novels in Japanese for practice in my leisure time. It would be a good idea, provided I were more competent in Japanese, but... I'll be there some day. 
After our miniature shopping-spree, we went to TGIF, because for some reason it's a really popular restaurant over here. We were initially looking for a Mexican restaurant that supposedly exists, but we have yet to find it, although we intend hunt for it some more to in the near future. 

Chili-cheese fries.
Which was more like french fries decorated as tacos, but hey.
Good job for trying, Japan. An A for effort, and they were still really good.
May try to make myself some... taco fries(?) in the future again.

This was my monstrous burger. It was just as big as anything back in the States,
and much to my stomach's dismay,
I ate it all. 
And, though it wasn't particularly spicy [those jalapeƱos were quite mild], it was quite delicious.

My friend's and my dessert. We split it, because we were both about to explode from having eaten too much.
And it was lovely.

Came back home, and I spent Sunday starting to work on homework for the week, slack off, and do a variety of things that I usually do when spending time alone. By this point, my throat was beginning to hurt, but I thought nothing of it. When I first came to Japan, my throat hurt for a few days, likely because of the new air and germs and I just wasn't acclimated to it. I brushed off this sore throat just as I had back then, and went about my business, despite the fact that my voice had degraded into something hilarious by this point.
I went grocery shopping with my Thai friend, and upon her learning about my sore throat, she decided to surprise me with dinner.

We had initially been planning on making fried rice together, but she went a step further and make soup for me along with it.

Spicy seafood soup and fried rice.
Yum yum.

And it was fantastic and I ate myself silly. She's an incredible cook. Once I couldn't eat any more, I put the broth from the soup into a cup and drank it. While I was hanging out with her, she also showed me a Thai horror movie that was surprisingly good. Shutter was it's name. I've taken to Asian horror films quite well, although I'm still really jumpy as far as they're concerned. It's all right, though. In small increments, they're fine. I'm slowly getting more and more jaded to them, too, so that's probably a good thing. I expect they'll always scare me, though, and that's just how I like it.

Monday... Monday and Tuesday were my bad, "I am nearly dead from being ill" says, although I was beginning to feel better by Tuesday evening. A friend of mine came to drop off the homework that I missed from class, and another friend stopped by just to come and visit for a while since we hadn't for a while.

Today was spent in class, sleeping, and then finally feeling better spontaneously, while grocery shopping. The friend who went with me was greatly amused. I made dinner for the two of us, we watched the last presidential debate [funny, since she's from New Zealand], and she made dessert. 

And that is this week in a nutshell. 
I've been taking pictures of flowers that have been blooming lately.
Here you go: 

Totally a flower, right?
These are the autumn-edition of those candies that I showed you the summer-edition of.
This is a Japanese-sweet flavoured version, and they were delicious. 

Anyway, that's all for now. I'm really tired, since I'm still feeling the lingering effects of my cold, although I expect to be completely well by tomorrow.
Toodle-pip, pets.
Talk to you next week! 


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