Wednesday, October 31, 2012

This is Halloween, This is Halloween

Happy Halloween, everyone! 
Even if you don't celebrate it in your country to my foreign readers, do help yourself to a piece of candy today. 
I celebrated with exams and tests, which were not much fun, but at least it's over with. Didn't have any parties to go to, but I wound up spending time with a friend and lounging about.
It was a good enough time. A little laid back for Halloween [especially considering I don't have school tomorrow, so could have done anything], but it was nice. 

As far as weekly recaps are concerned, let's see.
I have pictures again this week!
Thursday, I made potato soup for my Thai friend and her Japanese friend. They both really enjoyed it. I was at a loss as to what would be considered "American food," because I didn't want to make hamburgers, but. I finally thought of soup, and it was a lovely idea, considering that it was chilly that night. Next, it will be the Japanese friend's turn to cook. I'm quite excited. 
I cannot recall much of Friday, and Saturday was dull.
But Sunday, besides being stressed out for personal reasons... Sunday was divine. 
An internet friend of mine had e-mailed me to let me know about a free classical Japanese performing arts show at a Noh Theatre in Yokohama happening on Sunday. I invited a friend of mine to go with me, and so we set off that morning to go to the show.

It was five hours of free performances, ranging from storytelling, classical Japanese music performances, dancing, poetry readings... All of it, and all in their traditional styles. We were allowed to take pictures! 

Before I knew pictures inside the theatre were okay, I took this photo.
Just to be sure that I would be able to remember it.

This is the stage in semi-full, though. You can at least imagine it.
The front was a square platform, the curtain a doorway for dancers to enter through.

I want that curtain.
Or perhaps something like it.
I could pretty much live in a place like this, though, I think. 

Another angle of the stage.
I loved the architecture. 

Some of the first performers. The women with the stands in front of them were singing.
The other women were playing the shamisen.

Another shot of the architecture in-between performances.
I believe this was during intermission.

A woman playing the Koto.
She did an incredible job. It was stunning.

Some women preparing for their performance.

Some of the classical dancers. This was something about the seasons, I believe.
Not sure.

Her outfit was incredible. Mid-way through the dance, she had her hat taken off and the wisteria let go of.
And then, towards the end, she removed the upper layer of her kimono to show that she had a red one underneath.

Like so.

Another dancer.

Perhaps the best one that I managed to take of her. 

This group had two performances--one towards the beginning, and one towards the end. 
Their song was much longer. I cannot remember what the type of song it was is called, though. 

Five-koto performance. It was amazing.

So there's your dose of classical Japanese for the week.

Monday was spent in preparation for Tuesday's oral midterm in my Japanese class, and yesterday was the day of that test. Today, as I've mentioned before, I had my writing exam. 
I think I did all right in most of it. I hope so, at least.

Have I already gone through everything this week?
I guess so. 
Studying isn't very interesting, so surely you all do not want to hear about that. 
I am off for the rest of the week this week. The university festival is this weekend, so they are giving us a couple of days off in preparation. I don't know if I'll go yet or not, but maybe. 
I think I'm going to try to go up in the mountains this weekend to see how the leaves are changing. It may not be quite time yet, but it's worth at least checking out, I think. Besides, it's something to do. 

Money saving tips for this week would be to look for free performances in areas that are interesting to you.
Classical performance, for example, is something that I positively adore. This was perfect for me. There are free music festivals, free performances, free lots of things.
You just have to know how to do research or have those connections that help save so much money.
Don't be afraid to research free events, though. Never know when something may turn up.

Not feeling particularly wordy this week, though, I guess.
So, I'll talk to you next week!
Take care, guys, and happy Halloween!


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