Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Nightingale, Sing Us a Song

I write while my friend reads out her Japanese reading.
It's good listening skills, and a real test to see if I can function in two different languages at once.
I'm failing terribly. Haha.

Hello, all!
So, I should be visiting some shrines this weekend, and will definitely have pictures then. I love shrines, so, provided I don't forget my camera, it'll be fine. I'm visiting the friend I visited on my trip to Shibuya, but now that we've hung out a couple of times [I went to see him on Monday, will tell about it briefly later], it seems appropriate to take photos while hanging out now.
Especially if we're seeing shrines.
Pretty excited. I'll be heading up that way after giving a tutoring lesson on Saturday. Will let you know how it goes.

Now that I've settled back into the school routine, though, nothing too significant has really been happening. Been a bit too busy for my exercise, but I'll get back into the swing of that as soon as possible. Tonight, if I have a chance. Friend over, though, so there's not much room to stretch. Later, maybe. After dinner. It's gotten to where I feel funny without exercising, so that's good. A good habit is always nice to have. If nothing else, I've been absolutely exhausted. My sleeping schedule has been a little funny as of late. I think it's just the beginning-of-the-semester jitters.

To be honest, though, I've been a little reserved these past few weeks, as far as hanging out with people from my university goes. Of course, I'll smile and talk to them, and if they want to hang out, all they have to do is ask, but I just haven't really been pursuing their company. I've already griped about that before, though. This weekend, I almost went up to a flea market in Yoyogi Park, but while my friend went up to the area anyway, it was raining and the flea market was cancelled. So, I opted to stay at home and catch up on my massive sleep debt. Sunday, after finding out that my friend wanted to hang out on Monday, I devoted myself to working on my homework and getting laundry done.

Monday was fun, but again, there were no pictures. This time, however, it was mostly because I went over and hung out at his apartment. It was there that I showed him the glory of the American-style pizza-and-a-movie night. Watched Enemy of the State, which was enjoyable, and Zombieland, which was, much to my surprise, absolutely hilarious. Afterwards, we sat and talked for a little while before I headed back home, and then proceeded to prepare for a presentation that I had to give on Tuesday.

I did my presentation relatively well, I think, and after taking a nap and cleaning my room, I went to the grocery store to re-stock on my food supply. It had been a while, so I did wind up spending a pretty penny for some groceries, but I bought what I needed and found a lot of it for discounted prices because I waited until later in the evening before making purchases. So things that were about to pass their sell date [but not necessarily their expiration] were discounted by 10, 20, or 30%, depending. Wasn't quite late enough to catch the 50% sales, but I can't complain.

Today was Wednesday, obviously. I went to classes, came home, studied up for something, finished up my final class. There was a lot of interest in the research assistant job that I applied for, so unfortunately I didn't make the cut, but that's all right. I did my best, right? It'll be okay.
On lighter notes, my friend and I walked back home together and she, using some of my pork and cooking utensils, made us some udon, and it was positively delicious.

And pretty as a picture.
Carrot flowers!
Goodness, I am getting spoiled rotten.

We took the long way home today, though, and I wound up finding this little gem along the way:

Charming, isn't it?

So, taking the long way home is always a good idea. Thank you, Mr. Tom Waits. And Norah Jones, too, depending on which version you listen to. Both are good, so whichever one suits your fancy. Or both. 

And on that note, it is late and I am tired, so I'm afraid I'll cut it short.
So, remember to take the long way home, guys, and enjoy the scenery on the way. 
I'll write more next week, provided I go to see the shrines on Saturday, which I fully expect I will.

So, 'til then, take the long way home, enjoy the scenery, and take care.

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