Thursday, October 4, 2012

That's Why the Lady is a Tramp

All right, everyone! Sorry about yesterday--the situation with my friend is sorted out now and everything is fine again. 
So on to our weekly review, shall we? 
I'm sorry in advance--I got too wrapped up in things on Saturday that I forgot to take pictures.

I didn't do too much apart from class on Thursday or Friday, though, so we'll skip straight to Saturday, how's that? Just, while I'm thinking about it. 
My friend and I met up at 12:00 PM in Shibuya, after I proceeded to get lost just by walking across a street. I'm really clever like that when it comes to big cities, it seems. I rather hate Shibuya, to be honest--I mean, I like what it has, but it's always crowded and impossible to navigate. It's very forgiving of my hatred, though, as it always reveals to me the location that I want when I'm just about to give up. 
It's a little like an obnoxious big sister/elder cousin [I know this one from experience, as I play both roles to one person]--irritates the heck out of you, but just as you're about to give up, relents and gives you exactly what you want, no questions asked. Just wanted to thicken your skin a little bit or something, I guess. 

"Grow up. You can find what you're looking for by yourself.
Awh, you're so cute. Look at you get all frustrated. Here's what you want."

So I walked over to the general area that I was supposed to be, after getting kind of lost. There was an enormous map of where I was, but the police station I was looking for was nowhere to be found. I stood there, gawking at the map for about five minutes, must have been looking like the silliest foreigner in the history of foreigners. 
Then I looked over my left shoulder. 
Lo and behold, the police station. 

That's a different police box, but you get the idea.
I know where that one is, though. Can't tell you how to get there, but I had to ask for directions there once.
The last time that Shibuya was being my obnoxious elder sister.

I walked over that way, and after almost talking to the wrong person, I got a phone call from who I was looking for, confirming that I was indeed who I was. Had our first communication meltdown within fifteen seconds of talking to each other, but it was all right. Nervously shrugged it off. After a while, because we were both a little shy, we gradually warmed up to each other, and managed to start up conversations. It was difficult, but good practice for my Japanese, and a lot of fun. We went to a theatre that played old movies, at dinner in a crowded [but delicious] cafe, sat in Yoyogi Park and made fun of people and talked, and then went to a book store. It was a good Saturday. My only hope is that he enjoyed it as much as I did. 
I got home at about 8PM and then went up to hang out with a friend and watch a couple of episodes of a Bit of Fry and Laurie. 

Sunday, a typhoon rolled around. I took a nap when it started, and of course right in the middle of it, I decided I wanted sushi. Of course. So I messaged a friend of mine and asked if she wanted to tag along, so we braved the storm and went to go eat sushi. 
It was a good day to do so, too. Because of the typhoon, the restaurant was next to empty at a time when it's usually packed and uncomfortable. It was lovely. 

Typhoons and chain sushi restaurants that can be found on image searches.
Good times had by all. 

Monday was catching up, studying vocabulary, and getting homework done. 
Tuesday was much the same.
Yesterday, too, come to think of it. I've been doing really well so far, though! 12 course hours is markedly easier than 18, and I have the time to invest what I need to be able to invest into my classes. 
So I'm really excited.
Today was pretty productive. Went to class, came home, watched the presidential debates during my free time.
Afterwards, went back to class. I had my self-study class, and set about to reading a manga. Teacher said I was a "good girl" for working so hard at understanding something like a manga, since they're apparently difficult to understand. I've noticed that my reading has gotten faster, though. I don't understand absolutely everything, but I get the idea, and I'm really happy about that. 
The Kansai dialect still throws me through a loop, though. I want to learn it one day, but not yet. 
After class, I came home and started some homework. I also applied for a paid research-assistant position. But, because of my friend's troubles, I was up really late last night, and I haven't been sleeping that much to begin with, so I collapsed from exhaustion after a point, and when I woke up, I had to get ready to go tutor.
Because it was so late, he offered to take me to get dinner, to which I agreed. It was quite a treat! I suggested Japanese food, because I was feeling like being traditional, and he took me to an izakaya, where I was treated to a traditional meal of ridiculous proportions as well as a drink. The waitresses were impressed with my chopstick skills, and were pleased to learn that I know a little bit of Japanese.
We ate, had lovely conversation, and then went our separate ways. 

And I came home and here I am. 

Tips on obtaining and saving money: A source of some kind of income is really useful in taking an edge off of outcome. Even if it's something informal that doesn't pay very well, every little bit helps. Nepotism can help, but keep your eyes open, too! That research-assistant job came out of the blue today. There's a lot of interest and it will be competitive, but I'm going to do my best and see how it goes. Wish me luck!

Got to get to the rest of my homework now, though, so I'll talk to you guys next week.

Take care!

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