Wednesday, January 9, 2013

This is a Cold War--Do You Know What You're Fighting For?

Happy Wednesday, all!

Not too much has changed since Friday, but there's a little bit that I can go over. 
Saturday was spent lounging about at home, if memory serves me correctly. I spent the day watching things online and cleaning my room once I got home from work. My Sunday was also relatively uneventful. I lounged about with a friend of mine, mainly. 

Monday, however, I took another trip to Yokohama again with my NZ friend to go explore the Chinatown over that way. The days over this way have been very short [the sun setting at around 4:30 in the afternoon], and so we left at about noon to try to have some time to explore. The trouble with that, however, was that I haven't been to Chinatown since I had just arrived here (the last time I mentioned it on my blog was the last time I had chance to go), and I had forgotten how to get there. 
We got off at Yokohama Station, walked out, and then proceeded to get thoroughly lost. 

I don't know.

It was a bridge. Above us was a highway, which was terrifying.
But I liked the colour of the water.

Finally, the two of us caved and decided to ask for directions, and upon receiving them, we were off.
As it turns out, we hadn't gone as far as we needed to and had to get back on the train. Oops. 

Nevertheless, and despite the fact that it was already about 2:30 in the afternoon by the time we got there, she and I made it. 

I thought the curves in the street were interesting. The guy in the photo, when he saw I was taking a picture of the... Street, basically, turned to see what it was that I thought was so photo-worthy.
Wonder if he saw it.

The first entryway to lead you to Chinatown.

The main entrance marker.

The view from across the street. 

A pretty lantern. I think they put them up for New Year's. They weren't there the last time I went.

A display. On the poster is an advertisement to let people know the events going on for the Chinese New Year.
I won't be here when they happen, so it's kind of non-applicable to me.
But if anyone is going to Japan soon or will be here for the Chinese New Year, go check it out.
Then let me know how it is.

Street view--no cars were coming, so I stopped and snapped the photo.

Because of the cold weather, there were hardly any people out, but the vendor food was just as delicious and the shops still as intriguing. My friend and I got wrapped up in a couple of South Asian and Hawaiian inspired stores, we ate a lot of the street vendor food, and in general wandered around.
I also found a pomegranate to buy. It was a very happy occurrence. 

We also found a cactus with a hat in one of the stores we liked so much.
What's not to like about a cactus wearing a hat?
Everyone needs one, I think.
There was also a pineapple with a smiley face knitted into it. 

Another view of one of the gates.

Remember the photos from earlier in the year when the place was absolutely stuffed with people?
It makes me want to go back to Asakusa and see if it's nearly as crowded as it was when I went the one time.

Except not for vegetarians. Didn't think about that.

My camera isn't as good at night, sorry about that.
But you can get the gist, I hope.

My friend really likes tea. I do, too, but she wins.
She was looking for white tea, and we managed to come across some oolong tea with monkeys on it.
Apparently it was a monkey who first discovered oolong tea or something,
But I loved the can, even without the background story.

The temple that was so packed with people when I first went.
Nearly empty that day.

A view of a pagoda and some of the lamps.
I wish the photo had turned out a little better. 

The panda still wants to eat you.

They also had keychains of the asian-style spoons with various foods in them.
I would just get hungry. 

From Chinatown, she and I decided to go back to Sakuragi-Cho, a part of Yokohama near the port, and run back to the PokeCentre and Jump Stores to buy a couple of things. I had some present shopping that I needed to do for a couple of people, and there was something in the Jump Store that she wanted. 

We came home after that, except we stopped in Yokohama because there was a mall that had--wait for it--
A Krispy Kreme. 
I'm usually a bit more frugal than that, but while Mister Donuts makes decent doughnuts, and Wisconsin is home to the best doughnuts that I've ever had, I do like Krispy Kreme a lot.

The front of the store and the top of my friend's head.
You could buy dozens, actual sets of 12 instead of 10, just like in the US.
 I was a bit floored and wished I had known of its existence sooner.

I bought two, and even though they weren't fresh like they sometimes have, the people behind the counter still offered to make them warm.
My friend had never had a warmed doughnut before, so watching her face was hilarity. 
It was amazing to her, nostalgic for me.

We headed on back home after that. She had some schoolwork she needed to work on and I had some procrastination to do. Went to the grocery store for another friend of mine just before getting home, and he came over after he got off of work so that we could do some studying.
Of course, we wound up mostly talking and swapping music, but we did get quite a bit of studying done. Tuesday my classes started back, and I have tests every day this week.
So I haven't had much room to have too much fun. After typing out the bulk of one of my final papers for one of my classes, though, my friend dragged me upstairs to say good-bye to another of our friends who was leaving... Today, as a matter of fact. Heading back to Holland. Wound up hanging out and staying up way too late, but it was well worth it, since I don't know when I'll be able to really see him again, you know? 

Today after my first class, my stomach started acting up, so I decided to stay home today for the rest of my classes and rest it off.  Didn't get around to exercising today, either, of course. Feeling better now, I don't know what that spell was, but whatever it was, it has passed and I will be going back to classes tomorrow, and exercises on Friday. 
Finals are happening tomorrow and Friday for my core class. I'd better get back to that. Will be back next week, which is my last week of official school, I do believe.
Wish me luck!

'Til next week, loves.