Wednesday, January 30, 2013

'Cause Tomorrow's Just Another Day, and I Don't Believe in Time.

I was going to make this a fun-filled week, since it was my last one at the dormitories with all of my standard friends.
But at the farewell party last Friday, of course someone had a cold strong enough to knock me off my feet for three days. I was finally able to get up and walk around for the first time today since early Saturday. Much better now, but still feeling a little weak.  You'll have to ignore any grammar problems worse than usual or if I start rambling--It might stem from the exhaustion after being so sick for so long (by my standards). 

Last Thursday was fantastic, though. I went to Yokohama with my friends--the girl from Thailand, another guy from Hawaii, and two of the Thai girl's Japanese friends. I have to keep it short and brief [I have a monster list of things to do since I've been sick and unable to move], but I'll show you some pictures. 

Yokohama Station has a lot of interesting maps and things comparing it from about a hundred years ago to now.
This was one of the things.
I like old maps, so enjoy the photo.

The station.

Looks like a roller-coaster!
But no, turns out that we were just close to the art museum. 

Found it! I knew it was somewhere, but I wasn't sure where. 
Didn't go because that's really expensive, but you know what I mean.

Apparently, a long time ago, they used to make boats in this little spot.
I thought that was neat.

... You want to eat me? Oh no...

I know it's not 'pain,' but it looks like 'pain.' 

Wanted to, but I haven't gone ice-skating in too long. Wussed out.

Only my favourite current Japanese idol.
He played "Kenshin" in that movie that I loved so much.


It looked like it was made out of Jenga blocks!
A map of Sakuragi-Cho.

Miniature boat.

Samurai armour shop.
You can see in the photo after next what I meant to take next but I was slow.

I wanted it.
But it was about $100.

There we go.

From Yamashita Park.

They let us get so close to them. It was precious.

I love boats.

We stopped by the PokeMon Centre one last time before we went on the boat ride.
I'm not supposed to take pictures inside, but whoops.
I'll show you anyway.

And a view from the port.

Friday was lazy--I went to go pick up my deposit refund from the dormitory, and I hung out lazily with my friend from Thailand. Afterwards, she and I went to get yakiniku to celebrate. It's expensive, so I've only gotten to eat it once before because it is so expensive, and so that was exciting. 
Afterwards was the farewell party, where I got dragged around everywhere by my Vietnamese friend. It was fun enough. I was going to go out with other people afterwards, but they went out drinking at an expensive place, so I opted to pass and instead picked through my Hawaiian friend's massive music collection. Three days' worth of new music, it's really very exciting.

By Saturday, started feeling a little under the weather, so I kept the day kind of low-key, going out to lunch and running a few small errands with a friend of mine. I came home and fell asleep pretty much as soon as possible, and by Sunday I felt horrible. I still felt pretty awful, as a matter of fact it was at its worst on Monday morning, though it eased up as the day went on. I had to cancel on helping my friend out with his packing, though, because I did well to move out of my bed to go get something to drink. 

Yesterday I packed up the majority of my stuff, but I was still room-bound, as stairs and walking long distances would have probably been the death of me.
It wasn't until today that I could finally move, although I had to take it slow. I had to go and cancel my health insurance, finish taking out all my unneeded items and garbage out of my room, and what have you.
I was supposed to go get shabu-shabu with some friends of mine, but I never got told the time, and by the time they did tell me, I had just eaten. My appetite is still small from having been sick, and so there was no point in me paying twenty dollars for food that I would barely manage to touch, because you cannot bring doggy-bags. 
So I stayed behind and got some more cleaning done, and eventually another friend of mine contacted me and asked if I wanted him to cook for me. 
It was time for me to eat by the time that he asked, so I agreed, and he floored me. Together, we made parmesean alfredo with porkchops and toasted garlic cheese-bread. It was delicious. 

Gotta cut it short, though--tomorrow's busy and I've still got a monstrous amount of stuff to do tonight.
I'll be leaving tomorrow night for Kansai.
Lots of pictures will be taken! 

Much love,

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