Tuesday, December 18, 2012

They Never Look to See Me Fly, So I Never Have to Lie.

Hey guys!
Writing this one a bit early--well, I'm starting to write it, anyway. I might be able to finish it, too, with as little as I've been doing lately.
It's just tedious and bad timing to write it on Wednesday evenings, especially now that I've started going to the gym on top of my two afternoon classes and what not. Last semester I was so busy all of the time that I just didn't notice it to begin with, but now that I've freed up my schedule a little bit, oh boy, do I notice.

Crummy winter mood has continued and I haven't done much as a result of it.
However! Friday is my last day of classes, and provided the world doesn't end on Saturday afternoon (since I'm a day ahead of the Mayans and all), I have a lot scheduled over my winter break. I wasn't expecting to be so busy, but surprise, surprise. It stands in stark contrast to my summer schedule, as the only "free time" I will have, it seems, will be the first and last weekend of my break.
Christmas Eve, I'm going to a friend's house to spend the night, and we'll all spend Christmas morning together [I need to go buy some presents of some kind. Uh-oh.]. That evening, I've got to go to Narita airport to pick up my best friend, who is returning to Japan from her study abroad in California. We'll spend the night together in Tokyo, going out for her much-craved sushi, maybe to karaoke, and so forth. I'll spend time with her until the evening of the 26th, and from there I will dash to Shibuya to go to a concert to see Miyavi before I leave.
In Shibuya, I'm meeting up with one of my friends from the States, whose doing a study-abroad in Nagoya at the moment, as well as my friend from NZ. My friend doing the study abroad will probably stay with me until Jan. 1st or 2nd, and on the 3rd, I've got a friend from Kobe coming up to visit me.
And then, that weekend, my friend from Vietnam wants to make Vietnamese food together. I can't argue with that.
But, my goodness. Since when have I been a busy bee?

I haven't really been lately, though. I didn't do anything this weekend except lay around the house and sleep. Monday I got up just long enough to go to the gym, and then that evening a friend asked if I'd be willing to help her friend with a project. Being a model for photos or something. So, I said I would. Afterwards, my friend and I went to go get ramen together, and I've eaten so little oil recently that even that put my stomach off for an hour or two.
I'm not looking forward to having to eat when I'm back in the States if it's already this bad. But, hopefully this will be not just a temporary change, but rather a lifestyle change, and I'll never have to go back to eating the amount of grease and oil that I ate before.
Fingers crossed.
From the ramen shop, we went to the grocery store, where I stocked up a bit on a few things like fruits and vegetables, and I also bought a couple of freezable foods to get ready for my friends coming to see me. Avocados are still reasonable, oranges, apples, and pumpkin are all still good to go for the time being.
What else--Oh! Sweet potatoes are pretty cheap at the moment, but since I'm trying to avoid as much starch as possible, I'm kind of avoiding those. But a big one, at the moment, is only about 100 yen.

Speaking of prices, though, have you seen the USD-JPY exchange rate recently? I wish I'd had it this high since I got here! Goodness. I'm about to have to get extra frugal, since I want to be able to see my best friend again before I leave Japan for a while.

I've been re-watching the Lord of the Rings series, as my friend coming up for the concert and I are planning on going to see the Hobbit soon. Today, my NZ friend is letting me borrow her iPad while I go to the gym so that I might watch Return of the King while doing my cardio.
I must say, I'm rather looking forward to that. It will make my stationary biking so much more entertaining.

But, that's all that I've really got planned. We're going over some really difficult things in Japanese at the moment (honorific form will be the death of me, I promise), so I need to study.
Saturday I've got work, and then after that I might be hanging out with my friend from Thailand.

But, really... That's all that's been going on. I haven't been doing much, so I can't really elaborate on any money-saving ideas at the moment.
Sorry about that. I should start having some as of next week, though, I hope.

In the mean time, have a really swell song:

Toodles for now, dolls~


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