Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Welcome to the New Age

It's still Wednesday in America!
I'm sorry to make you wait--I went to a concert last night [Miyavi again], and by the time I got home and settled down, I was dog-tired.

How is everyone doing? I hope you all had a lovely Christmas. 

I spent my Thursday working ahead and trying to get all of my homework and projects done for stuff due before Christmas break, and I was even feeling adventurous enough to try to work into my Christmas break stuff, but I only barely scratched the surface on that. I'll get to it soon. I hope. 

Last weekend was pretty lazy. I didn't really do too much, save for go out for dinner with my Thai friend one night. This break is going to be so busy for me that I knew ahead that I needed to go ahead and get whatever rest I could manage before I started doing things. 

Monday, Christmas Eve, some friends and I got together and had a little party. 
We had nabe for dinner, with sparkling apple and grape juice to drink, as well as some sweets and home-made eggnog, since you can't find eggnog here. 

Me getting ready to make the eggnog.

Whisking the whites into a meringue. It takes forever without an electric mixer, so I spent most of my time sitting there and wondering who came up with the idea in the first place, since of course it's been around longer than the electric mixer.
They must have been very bored. 

The broth getting hot and ready to have stuff put in it, as well as a Korean dish to the left, and three stacks of tofu.

Everything ready.

Everything partially eaten, with the addition of mangoes and a Vietnamese dish. 

We ate until we were stuffed, and there was still leftovers. Somehow, I suppose since we did the party in my room, it was because of that, but regardless, there was a lot of food left over and it took me waiting on my friend who came in Wednesday to finish it all off. Even now, there's still cookies and the like left. That will take a while, I imagine. 

Christmas was uneventful. I was initially planning on going to see my best friend at the airport, but she was unable to make the proper flight, so we had to cancel our plans. I spent the day with my friend from New Zealand, eating breakfast foods and listening to radio from NZ and hanging out. Afterwards, I took a nap and read. 

Wednesday, after I couldn't sleep very well the night previously, I got up early and then picked my friend up from the train station in Machida. We came home, I fed him breakfast, we took a nap, and then went out and about. 
He forgot the tickets to the concert, so we had to run back home, and then dash back and try to make the concert on time. Which we did, fortunately.
And it was amazing, as usual, and I was finally able to reach out and touch him at the end when he stretched out his hand to fans. It was wonderful and I am happy.

Today, I should be going to see the Hobbit. I'll let you guys know about it, although I'm sure you've seen it all before by now, next week. 
What else... Not too much. I should be doing quite a bit this week, so I'll write it down and try to remember it all.

Until then!

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