Wednesday, September 19, 2012

I'd Risk the Moon and Stars if I Could Have Your Sky

Hey, hey! 
How's everyone doing?
Happy Wednesday! Well, it's not a very happy Wednesday for me, but, you know. I've had a good day.
Scratch that--it is a happy Wednesday, worth much celebration and joy. We broke 1,000 pageviews for my blog today! Thank you all so very much! I really hope that you're all enjoying the blog. 
Tomorrow school starts, though, so I'm a little bit worried. I need to write out my schedule for my classes, and see about just calming my nerves. 

But first, let's go over what I remember of the week and weekend previous, shall we? 
I can't really say that I recall having done too terribly much. Thursday and Friday, I believe I stayed predominately in my room. I know I went to work on Friday and then ran some errands. Bought stamps to put on my absentee ballot application [if you're in the US, go vote, everybody! I don't care which side[s] you vote for, just exercise that right. Contrary to popular belief, your vote does count!], sent that off, and went to go get my student ID renewed for the next semester. I had to have a passport-sized photo taken, so I went to one of the kiosks on campus for those types of photos, and made myself some photos.
And oh my gosh, since I've been exercising and have lost a little bit of weight, I look like my grandmother. When the picture printed off, I wondered for a little while when my grandmother had gotten young, came to Japan, and stepped in front of my photo. It was a little bit disorienting, but I don't mind it. It's pretty cool.
I'd show you the picture, but again. Let's not ruin your images of a beautiful, perfect me, hm? Hahaha. 

Saturday, I went out for lunch with a friend of mine, primarily to just get out and get some fresh air. We went to a local restaurant--not one of the highest quality, but a decent, comfortable quality, and ate some lunch. 

Drink bars with caramel macchiatos.
I think I like it. 

Afterwards, we came back into my room and hung out, not really doing anything in particular but talking and hanging out, listening to music. She wound up staying until it was time for dinner, and so we ate together. She had frozen two pork chops together, so we decided to make tonkatsu, using some of my cabbage and whatnot for salads, with some rice. 

The croutons on the salad were made from the last piece of bread I had at the time. Accidentally toasted to a crisp and with a hint of a charcoal after-taste, but I seasoned it well enough that it wasn't bad at all.
Before the sauce and dressing on the salad.

It's not as pretty as the stuff in the restaurants, but it was still very good.

And, I've found that one of my favourite things to do is to cook and eat dinner over jazz music, I think. Cooking with friends helps, too, of course, but the music just made it that much better. We ate, then sat around and visited for a while longer.

The rest of this week has been spent doing a whole lot of nothing. I spent yesterday cleaning up and doing laundry [barely saved it from getting rained on last night], preparing for the semester ahead. Best to start off with a clean room, I figured, instead of having a mess and watching it grow bigger as time progresses. 
Today, I woke up earlier in the morning to brace myself for having to wake up at 7:20AM tomorrow morning. I managed to eat right as I woke up, trying to see about re-scheduling my body's sleep/wake cycle--it won't fix it completely, but maybe re-adjusting will be a little easier. I managed to stay awake until about 2:00PM, where I let myself take a nap for an hour. I woke up, started to get myself ready to make tonight's post, and then received a message from a friend of mine, asking to hang out.

So, here's where today got fun. After I took a shower and went up to his room to meet him, we watched about 3/4ths of a ridiculous zombie movie from the 1970s, so bad that it was hilarious. Eventually, though, we gave up on it, and decided to go grab a pizza for dinner and find something else to watch. We went to the local pizza place with the pizza closest to American style we could find, ordered it, and then went to grab a couple of drinks.
They make Lichee soda now! That's so fabulous. It was delicious. Anyway, after we bought our drinks, we went back, picked up our pizza, and headed back to the dormitory. 

We decided to watch El Orfanato, produced by the same guy who produced Pan's Labyrinth, and just as fantastic. Oh my gosh, the film was incredible. Of course, I don't handle horror movies very well, so it was fortunate for me that my friend had a stuffed monkey for me to cling to during the more tense moments [I am secretly still a child, perhaps], but the movie was fantastic. They both are, really, though. If you haven't seen one, the other, or either, do look into it. I would recommend them highly. 
Besides, it's much cheaper than going to the theatres.

That's really all for today, though.
Tomorrow, my second semester in Japan begins. I'm a little worried, but I hope I'll do okay. I've only got four and a half months left in Japan! Can't say that going home is particularly wanted at this moment. 
However, I've registered for 12 credits worth of classes [with Mondays off!], only one class in English. I want to grind my nose in Japanese and learn as much as humanly possible within these next four and a half months. It may have been a good idea for me to do the internet search for friends that I did--There are a couple in particular that I have grown really fond of, and prove to be an excellent source for not only practice writing, but seem to potentially be very good friends, too.
I'm really hopeful.

Anyway, I must cut this one short. 
I've got to get my bag ready for tomorrow and get as prepared as possible.

I'll tell you how things go next Wednesday!
Take care, loves, and thank you again for keeping up with my posts!


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