Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Lo Hecho Está Hecho

Ha, Shakira song title. 
Been doing a lot of dancing lately, so that's probably why.

Hey guys! 
How's it going? 

Because there's no school, I haven't much of a sense of a time, as of late.

I know that I haven't been doing too much lately, though, still, due to financial constraints. My trip to the aquarium last week was cancelled last-minute because the friend got called in for work.
Should have actual events to tell you about next week, though--I think I'm hanging out with someone tomorrow just because I haven't seen him in a while, and then on Sunday for my birthday. 

I did, however, wind up watching all of the Hollow Crown over the past week. Five days straight of fabulous renditions of Shakespeare [if it's your thing, watch it! Patrick Stewart is in Richard II, and oh my gosh the verse in that one was delivered beautifully, even without Jeremy Irons and Tom Hiddleston], I was at a loss for what to do afterwards.
So, I've been binging on films featuring Mr Hiddleston since. And a spot of Monty Python's Flying Circus, as well. It's been pretty fabulous.
I also binged seven hours of drawing one of his photos.
I've gone and developed a bit of a crush on the man, I'm afraid. It's been good, though--he's a fabulous actor, and I've really enjoyed the films that I've seen thus far. Plus, the drawing wound up much better than I expected it to turn out, and for that, just.
Thank you, sir, for being wonderful. 

What else...
Well, I went to work today! Things seem to be going really well, and since my student is so advanced in English, I've decided to be a little strict when I check over our conversations, which he seems to really appreciate. A happy thing, indeed. We seem to get along really well, so hopefully lessons will keep going well and I can continue teaching him efficiently and effectively. My next class is on Tuesday, so that'll be good.
The extra money in my pocket is really nice, too. Having a source of income along with the ever-present source of outcome is very reassuring to me. After Sunday, I'll see about picking up a few more students. If I can make it to where I earn around 10k yen a week, I'll be fine for the rest of the semester.
So, I've noticed, and it seems to be especially/primarily true in Asian countries, if you're a native English speaker, or at least fluent, you have a strong chance of being able to find some form of employment. Nepotism helps, too, of course, but people here love learning English, under the assumption that they'll be able to talk to anyone if they know English. I don't know how true that thought is, but if it makes them motivated to learn, more power to them. 
Just something to think about if you're working on a budget while studying abroad, at least in Asia. A way to bring in a little money, too, even if it may not be enough to survive on, just something extra to help get you by.

Told you I'd update you on my exercise regimen, too, didn't I? It's been going very well; I've actually been able to stick to it and follow through, now that I've decided that I'd like to become a solid slab of lean muscle. Haha.
I think I've lost a little bit of tummy and leg--I can now put my hands in my pockets in one of my tightest pairs of jeans. Tomorrow marks the second week of this, so hopefully I'm not just imagining things. I've put on a little water weight in the past couple of days, though, so now I can't really tell, but I think it's going all right. If I tighten up my stomach just a little bit when I'm walking around, it doesn't look bad at all, so that's reassuring. Maybe soon I won't need to hold my stomach in at all. My clavicles are becoming rather pronounced, even when I don't move my shoulders, so that is a step in the right direction, as well.
I've been doing a mixture of belly dance and yoga, which have always been two of the things that I've been more fond of, and the exercise has been doing my mood pretty well. 
I won't say I'm particularly any more confident or anything than I was before, but my attitude towards things is improving [and I wasn't a pessimist to begin with], and the general endorphine release from everything has been leaving me feeling pretty good.
Going to try to keep this up for at least two months [by then it will be habit and run me crazy if I don't do it, so if I can keep it up for that long, I've pretty much made a long-term change], and then I've decided that if I can do that, and I've lost a noticeable amount of weight, I'll go to Harajuku and spoil myself with a new pair of pants and a jacket.
Or something like that. I'll figure it out later.

I've also learned enough dance steps that I'm beginning to come up with tiny choreographies to certain parts of songs.
I'll keep working on it, and keep you all posted, of course.

Once school starts again, I'm pretty sure things will pick back up and I'll have more things to tell you all about. 
I hope so, at least.
The new study abroad students will be here next week. I don't want to befriend too many, because I really am aspiring to improve my Japanese as much as possible in the upcoming weeks, but maybe I can make a couple of friends and work on introducing them to the area or something.
Just to give myself something to do.
Placement tests are also coming up, next Thursday and Friday.
Oh dear.

That's really all I have for the moment, though. I really have not been doing too much. 
Sorry about that, guys. There will be stuff to tell you about next week, I'm relatively certain.
So look forward to that, yes?
Sorry again.
Take care, pets. And thank you all for reading, it means a lot to me. I promise I'll figure out some way to be more entertaining next week. 
Much love to you all,


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