Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Sunday Morning Rain is Falling

It's about time I used a Maroon 5 song. Goodness gracious, they're one of my favourites. 

Hey hey, all! What's going on? 
Pretty good week so far; I'm tired, but pretty happy. Maybe that's because I took a nap today. 
Stuff and things to tell you about, if I remember correctly. Let me check my agenda [I wrote things down to remember! Wow!].

Weather's been very much like summer now--a very stark contrast to what it was when I first got here, barely reaching sixty degrees Fahrenheit on warm days. A cool summer, but a summer nonetheless. Since I come from the US delta, I'm quite used to hot and humid summers, so during the daytime, I'm fine. At night, I have a bit of difficulty sleeping. 
So, to cope, during the day, I'll leave my balcony door open, save the screen door to keep bugs out. At night, I've finally broken down and started using the fan on my air conditioner just to keep air moving and comfortable enough for me to sleep in. I'm still doing quite all right on my electricity bills, however--as a matter of fact, they've gone down every month since I've gotten here, so I suppose I can spare to turn on a fan at night. As long as I remember to turn it off in the mornings, I'm good. 


On the left: Pepper.
On the right: Cynthia

There's a pepper in there. 

She's blooming! Got another bloom set coming up.

Okay, so weekly recap. 

Thursday I did absolutely nothing, as far as I can remember. I went to class, came home, fell asleep. 

Friday, there was a Tanabata party at my university that was, unfortunately, a little bit more than boring. But they did their best and it did have good moments, so I'm happy that I went. Besides that, I got sushi for dinner afterwards, so everything was all right and I was quickly no longer bored. I pitched in a 500 yen for what I ate, but as I had no more money than that, a friend covered the rest for me [although I had warned her in advance that I didn't have enough to pay for sushi, she did not care]. So we all had a grand old time and I came home rather late and crashed into bed and burned. 

Saturday, when I had intended to go to an actual Tanabata festival, it was raining, so I stayed at home and had a marathon of watching TV shows on the internet. 

Sunday, I met up that evening with my Japanese teacher and had dinner with her and my college mate in Shinjuku. It was a lovely time. I took some photos of the dinner we had, and it was positively delicious, let me assure you.

This was the view from the window of our restaurant.

This was dinner. It was delicous. Cabbage salad, pork and shrimp tonkatsu, rice, and miso soup.

Up at the floor above us, there was a small shrine for fox demons. 

The inside of the shrine.

It was a lovely time to see her again. Sometimes you don't realise how much you miss someone until you see them, right? I saw her, and my goodness. It was an awesome time, and I'm really happy that I went, although it also made me realise just how uncomfortable I get wearing dresses, haha. I'm a bit of a tomboy, though, so I suppose that's to be expected.

After Sunday's lovely trip, Monday came and left me with a mountain of schoolwork to manage my way through. So after class, I went to the convenience store to buy some magazines for a project of mine, as well as buy myself some lunch.

I also found these, chocolate-mint candies that were delicious. I love mint chocolate.
Summer edition of kinoko-no-yama. "Summer's refreshing chocolate" up at the top there.

I came home and broke down and began doing schoolwork, swearing that I was not going to take a nap.
... I unintentionally fell asleep in the middle of my work, and slept for quite a while.
But I did manage to get everything finished. 
Yesterday was a similar swamping of work after class. I also had to give three different presentations in my classes, which was tedious for me, being an introvert. But I managed. Everything's went all right, and for that I'm very grateful. 

It's the last couple of weeks of class--a lot of final papers and tests coming up, which is really difficult, but once I'm done, I'll feel much better.
Well, about two weeks after being done--for a while I always feel like I've still got things to do. But the sleep will be fabulous. 
College here hasn't been much more difficult than the stuff back home, really--it's just the stress from the end of the semester at the end of the moment. 
But things are about to start sort of happening again, at least. Tomorrow I'm going out with a friend of mine after class, and Saturday I'm going to go to the Ghibli Museum. I'm really excited.

I'm more excited for the beginning of summer break, though, as I'm apparently supposed to go camping with some friends of mine. Don't know where, but to get away from everything right after finishing classes sounds absolutely fantastic. 

That's really all that's going on at the moment, though. These next couple of weeks might be a little dry, just warning you, with finals and everything.
But next week, I'll have info on the Ghibli museum, so do keep checking, if you're interested. I'm really excited to tell you all about it!

Take care and have a good week. 
'Til next time.

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